24 September 2006
Andermatt next year?
27 March 2006
Home Schweet Home
21 March 2006
...and more sun.....
13 March 2006
Snow and sun
Havent blogged for two days. Two days of different weather conditions. Day one, the 12th, yesterday, was snowy with 30cm of new light powder. Not so good sight but the new snow had mixed with the earlier older snow so it felt like more powder. We had pretty nice big drear for our selfs. Especially one steep ravine with feather light almost bottomless powder. I couldnt belive my senses. It was too good to be true for the first day!
11 March 2006
Ah, its snowing beautifuly outside the futuristic train station in St Anton. Its always the same feeling to get to the destination in one piece. Looking forward to a shower and then get out in the village.
Delicious and Confusing
There was I. Hungry and tired. As I walked through the streets I found a delicious exitic place to eat in the dining district. The choice of tonight was döner with cous cous and a delicious soft drink of the brand of coca-cola. I finished the meal some block away with a extra fine card board cup of capochino at the exclusive caffe of Starbucks. My swiss made chronograph told of gently that the time was running out. I, as the time, run, to the main train station to catch my train. There, you see, the numbers was out of order. The train was of another constallation. Suddenly my ticket, my map of consensus, was no good for navigation. I was sacred, I now lacked control. I reached out and found a kind of souls. I found my home for the next two hours on the Kaiserin Elisabeth train to Innsbruck.
Not so bad
I have to say that I have to change my picture I had of Zurich. Its a pretty cosy town with nice old buildings and not to forget churches from the 12th century and erlier i think. Lots of exclusive stores, watches and delux cars everywhere. Time to eat. No time to listen to the concert in the church's crypt with a preppy guy in black turtleneck playing no metal plates hanging from the celing. Too much fine art and Chromata for me now. Feed me. I need something to eat.
Zurich city
My dear friend texted me and offered me a ride from the Stanton train station. So sweet of her! Honestly, I dont have big expectations of Zurich but Ill take a walk and have look what to find. Im not good at killing time I think...
Safe in Zurich
Just landed in a gray and riny Zurich. Let's see what to do for the next 4h till the train leavs the hauptbahnhof...
We have a lift off
So, after a forseen crash last night at 02:00 Im now on the way to the airport by bus.
T minus 0,5 day
Horrible day at work to get everything in order to run away for the two wonderful weeks in les Alps! I'm packing the last stuff right now, last minute of course... The plane takes off at 10:45 from Arlanda tomorrow morning. I always have a hard time to sleep the night before I go somewhere. I have learnt that it's no idea to go to bead early the night before. It always end up with that I just spin till very late before I turn in. Better to stay up and crash. I will be exhausted either way. The spinning part is no fun so I go for the crash strategy tonight...
08 March 2006
Gugly layout
07 March 2006
T minus 3 days
06 March 2006
White death took him
05 March 2006
T minus 5 days
15 February 2006
Jealousy and I'm not proud
I got a link to my friend's travel journal today. They have been in St. Anton for tree and a half week now. I can't believe the pictures they have taken! Real pro shoots. Sun, powder and everything! They've been waiting for that dump for two weeks. I feel a knot in my stomach to read and see the photos. Why can't I have such awesome pictures of me pumping gushing powder around my waist?! But, I try to tell my self that it's because I'm a good photographer and as you know those stand behind the camera... Ah well, I hear how silly that sounds. I know that it's jealousy and I'm not proud of it. But hey! I just can't feel pity of my self! I'm going down to the skier paradise in "just" 23 days!
13 February 2006
Note to self...
11 February 2006
Countdown has began...
07 February 2006
At last...
25 January 2006
Booking horrors
Some time some time takes time
11 October 2005
Going back this winter?
11 February 2005
13 January 2005
Still no package...
Back to St. Anton!
07 January 2005
X-ray of my foot
04 January 2005
Still no package...
Two down, two to go!
30 December 2004
29 December 2004
27 December 2004
Maybe IS happening!
Home at last
25 December 2004
Swedish christmas in the Alps
24 December 2004
How to create the right Christmas feeling
23 December 2004
Polizei questioning
22 December 2004
Five weeks!
21 December 2004
Early present for Chrismas
20 December 2004
The day of bad luck!
At the ski bus in to town I realised that I had forgot my goggles (doh!) but I thought that’s not a problem. I had been boarding without them the day before because they were totally filled with mist and snow. The first run went pretty good for the first 1000 height meters. Then I came down to an easier part of the piste where you just can relax and play around. This morning this last part was perfectly prepared and I and another guy was the first to go down there. We totally maxed our boards. Suddenly in a left turn, my toe side, the side I had all my weight on (I’m goofy), just lost the grip in a zone with ice blocks. I bounced down in 50 km/h or so on my right foot backwards down the piste. The steel edge cut for like 15 – 20 times and my right foot was badly loaded. At last I stopped and I couldn’t feel my right foot because of the pain. Doh! After a while a ski instructor came up to me and asked how I was doing. I said that I was ok, because I thought it just was a sprain. My second thought was that it could be really expensive to let the ski patrol take me down to the village. I decided to go down my self. It worked pretty well because of all the adrenaline. But when I got down to the village I couldn’t stand on the foot so I sat down on my board and headed for the pharmacy to get a bandage. A woman at the pharmacy told me that I should go to the doctor so I got a cab 200m for €7 to the doctor. The doctor examined and x-rayed my foot but he recommended me to get to another doctor so they could make a magnetic radio x-ray to see the soft stuff in the foot. So I went up the hill for another €7. There they put me on a hard table and I had to lie completely still for 30 min. It wasn’t too cosy with all the pain. After that I took a cab back to the first doctor for another €7. He put my foot in plaster and said that I could come back tomorrow morning to see what the expert in Innsbruck said about the x-rays. When I got out from the doctor I realised that someone stole my snowboard. Doh! The sum of expenses for today is €11.021 and a stolen snowboard worth another €450. Doh! This must be the most unlucky day in my life!