25 January 2006

Booking horrors

Gah! I have to throw this somewhere so I throw it out here. I've bin sitting almost all morning trying to get my hands on the number to the train company booking service. Has Die Bahn, the gigantic German train company, ever heard of international numbers? Numbers you can call their booking service from abroad? Now, after some trix worthy Sherlock Holmes him self, I found a tourist service in Denmark [sic] through a Die Bahn cargo department here in Stockholm, that could help me. At last, I thought, now I can make the reservations needed for the Zürich - St. Anton train round trip. But noo. "Can you send us an e-mail with the info where you want to go?" I have a bad feeling about this. To be continued...

Some time some time takes time

After almost a month, or wait... two month, I now have some time to make the reservations for the trip back to sweet sweet Stanton! I can't wait to feel the wind in my face and the zwooshing sound of dry powder!